
"The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life. " -William Morris
I have been thinking about blogging for several weeks and have waited to begin because I am on sabbatical for the summer and in the process of unplugging from my day-to-day responsibilities in order to make time for rest and rejuvenation. I was afraid I would simply turn this into another task that must be done. I am a "doer" as a rule - and "being" has not come easily in the past.
Still, I want to record this experience remember what I am learning - and to capture my feelings about the learning process. So, beginning today, I will blog as I feel called. And, if I do not feel called - I simply won't blog. No pressure, right?!!!
I have been away from Unity Spiritual Center for a little more than two weeks now. In that time, I have done very little "relaxing." I studied for a test, traveled to Kansas to take it, and came back with three small assignments that the testing committee felt I should complete in order to receive their recommendation. I've already completed two of the three assignments - and hope to have the final assignment done in the next week. I'm anxious to be finished with all of that and to step more deeply into this sabbatical.
Despite the fact that I have had things to do, I am noticing a significant change in my physical state of well-being. The "candle-burning-at-both-ends" pace of my work-life as a minister causes me to ignore the aches and pains of a body that too frequently sits more than it moves. I am often deep in thought and distracted when holding conversations with those I love. Time goes so quickly and there is always something else requiring my attention.
Thankfully, in the past few days, I have noticed that I am smiling more. The tightness in my body is releasing. I am walking with more comfort in my step, and I feel a renewed appreciation for life. I have begun to really feel my soul inside my body for the first time in a long time - and have spent several hours sitting on my front porch just enjoying the fragrance of the flowers blooming in the yard, the warming rays of sunlight, and the kiss of the summer's breeze. Slowly...slowly...I am coming to myself.
The time I have been able to spend with my family is a treasure that I have no words to describe. I am able to be attentive and more tuned in...hearing them more fully. And, to my delight, hubby's kisses are warmer, and the hugs from my boys are lasting longer, as a result of my giving them more of my attention. Yesterday I snuggled the purr-baby for about an hour - and every day has included the devoted affection and sweet bounciness of four gentle-eyed pups who are each so unique and different. Beauty surrounds me.
I am softening. All is well.