Simple Ceremonies: Making the Most of the Holiday Season

Simple Ceremonies With Ahriana Platten

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” — Ram Dass

I’ve been thinking a lot about what this holiday season means to me. Our kids are grown, and we are away from the grandkids, traveling this year, so it’s a little different… but I remember when the holiday season felt like a whirlwind – and it might be feeling that way for you!

Between shopping, decorating, family gatherings, and expectations that everything will be “jolly and bright”, the winter holidays can find us busy in ways that pull us away from our true selves. It’s so easy to forget the importance this season carries – it’s a sacred invitation to rest, reflect, and realign.

Winter Solstice is a time of “sacred pause.”

The ancient rhythms of the earth remind us that things slowdown in the winter. Nature is still. We can see the bones of the trees. Animals burrow or hibernate, and the sun seems to linger at the edge of the horizon as darkness falls earlier than it does the rest of the year. Just like nature, we need time to recharge and reconnect in a soul-full way.

Slowing down isn’t just about rest. It’s also about reflecting—peering gently into the year behind us and listening to the whispers of wisdom waiting to be heard.

Here are a few steps to help you rest and reflect during the holidays:

Create intentional quiet time.

Schedule pockets of silence amidst the chaos. A 10-minute morning ritual with tea and journaling or a nightly pause by candlelight can ground you in peace.

Reflect on the year gone by.

Ask yourself: What brought me joy? Where did I struggle? What lessons am I carrying forward? Write these reflections without judgment.

Practice gratitude.

Being grateful softens the heart and shifts perspective. Each day, name three things that made you smile—big or small.

Let go of obligations.

Challenge the belief that you must “do it all.” Focus on experiences that nourish you and let go of draining commitments.

Carve out rest for your soul.

True rest goes beyond sleep. Listen to music, enjoy quiet walks, meditate, or take a digital detox day to rejuvenate.

Here’s a Simple Ceremony for the Season

Light a candle in a quiet space. Reflect on one thing you’re releasing from the past year and one hope you’re welcoming into your life in the New Year. Whisper these words:

"I let go of the past, I invite in the new, and I trust the wisdom of rest. I receive all that is in my highest good."

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, A blessed Yule, friends! May the season of rest replenish and rejuvenate you on every level!

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