Simple Ceremonies: A Personal Ceremony for Cleansing and Renewal

Simple Ceremonies with A Soul-full World By Ahriana Platten

There’s nothing quite like the warmth of a hot bath on a chilly winter evening, is there?

It wraps you up, softens the edges of your day, and gives you permission to simply let go. In those quiet moments, with steam curling around you and the world outside held at bay, something magical happens. Your body relaxes, your spirit breathes deeply, and the waters themselves seem to whisper, “You are held, you are safe, you are free to release.”

Winter, with its natural rhythm of stillness and reflection, invites us to do just that: to pause, release, and make space for what’s to come. Inspired by these moments, I love to gift myself with a simple ceremony centered on water—a ritual of cleansing and renewal. Water has always been a powerful symbol of life, clarity, and transformation for me. With its ability to carry away what no longer serves us, it’s the perfect partner for you, too!

Here’s how the ceremony flows:

Step One: Prepare the Space

To begin, create an atmosphere that feels warm and inviting. Light a few candles, dim the lights, or even play some soft, flowing music. If you’re with others or don’t have the luxury of a bathtub, prepare a communal bowl or basin of warm water. Adding fragrant herbs, flower petals, or even a drop of essential oil can infuse the water with extra care and intention.

Step Two: Reflect and Write

Take a moment to sit quietly, letting the warmth of the space wrap around you. Imagine sinking into the water—the way it melts away tension, softens your body, and allows you to release. From this relaxed place, ask yourself: What am I ready to let go of?

It might be an old pattern, a lingering worry, or even a belief that no longer serves you. Write it down on a small piece of paper, knowing that this act begins the process of release. Or, if you are in the tub, just hold the thought in your mind and heart for a minute or two.

Step Three: The Water Blessing

Now, feeling the weight of what you’ve decided to release. When you’re ready, place it into the bowl or release it into the tub, letting it sink into the water.
As you do, speak these words aloud or in your heart:

"As I release what no longer serves me, I make space for renewal, clarity, and peace."

Dip your hands into the water, feeling its warmth surround your fingers. Let it remind you of your own ability to cleanse and renew, just as water does.

Step Four: Close with Gratitude and Intention

When you’ve completed the blessing, or when you feel ready, take a moment to close the ritual with gratitude. Thank the water for holding your release and thank yourself for showing up with courage and intention. Know that the water will transform the energy of what you have released and carry the energy to a new place as it goes down the drain or you pour it into the soil somewhere outside your home.

End with a simple affirmation:

"I move forward with lightness, flow, and clarity, carrying the spirit of renewal into all I do."

Winter is a time to rest, reflect, and prepare for the blossoming that’s just around the corner. Through this simple ceremony, we honor the natural rhythms of life, trusting that by letting go, we make space for what’s next.

May the waters of renewal flow through your life today and always.

With love and warmth,


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