Get out of the Gutter: Keeping Our Vibration High in Today's Political Climate

I have a vivid childhood memory of my little brother lying on the grassy boulevard after a summer rain, completely engrossed in the simple joy of playing with the worms that had emerged from the saturated earth. There was something about the thought of worms squirming in the muddy water that just didn’t appeal to me—but he had the time of his life playing there. He was lost in his own world, content with his unusual playmates.
As I look at the political landscape in the United States today, that memory comes rushing back, but with a new layer of meaning. In many ways, our political discourse has become much like that gutter after the rain—muddy, messy, and teeming with things that thrive in such conditions. The temptation to dive into the muck, to wrestle with the worms of misinformation, divisive rhetoric, and low-vibration behavior is strong, especially when emotions are high, and the stakes feel even higher. But just as I refrained from joining my brother in his worm-filled play, I believe we’re being called to rise above the fray in our political interactions.
Keeping the High Road
It’s easy to get caught up in the flood of negativity and fear that often accompanies political discussions. Whether it’s on social media, in the news, or even in our own communities, the pull to engage with the lower vibrations of fear, anger, and division can feel overwhelming. But here’s the thing: just because the worms are in the gutter doesn’t mean we need to be down there playing with them.
Raising our vibration, especially in the context of politics, means committing to a higher standard of engagement. It’s about keeping the high road, even when others around us are content to stay in the mud. This doesn’t mean disengaging or ignoring the important issues at hand. On the contrary, it’s about being fully informed, seeking out the facts, and making decisions that are rooted in love, compassion, and a desire to contribute to the greater good.
Research Facts, Not Fears
One of the most important ways we can maintain a high vibration is by grounding ourselves in truth. The current political climate is rife with misinformation and half-truths designed to keep us in a state of fear and confusion. But we have the power to rise above that. By taking the time to research and understand the facts, we can make informed decisions that are in alignment with our highest values.
Instead of getting pulled into the drama of the latest sensational headline, let’s commit to seeking out reputable sources, reading beyond the surface, and questioning the narratives that don’t resonate with our inner knowing. When we’re armed with truth, we’re less likely to be swayed by fear and more likely to act from a place of wisdom and discernment.
Do What Makes the World Better
Finally, let’s remember that our actions—no matter how small—can make a difference. Every time we choose to respond with kindness instead of anger, to listen instead of shout, or to build bridges instead of walls, we are contributing to a higher vibrational energy that has the power to transform not just our own lives, but the world around us.
It’s easy to feel powerless in the face of the immense challenges we’re facing as a nation. But when we focus on doing what makes the world better, even in our own little corner, we’re raising the collective vibration and creating ripples of positive change that extend far beyond what we can see.
Just as I chose not to play with the worms in the gutter, we have the choice to rise above the lower vibrations that often accompany political discourse. By keeping the high road, researching facts, and committing to actions that make the world better, we can stay true to our highest selves, even during challenging times.
It always feels better to see the positive in the world around us. Look for the smiles, the kind words and deeds, the laughter, the good that is happening around you. To see it, you must leave the worms where they are, stand up and look for the beauty in life. It’s all around you.