A Year-End Reflection From Soulfull World

Pracitcal Wisdom with Rev. Dr. Ahriana Platten

Beloved Community, in the tender twilight of this year, as we prepare to enter the dreamtime, my heart overflows with gratitude for each soulful connection we've nurtured in 2023. Amidst a world dancing to the rhythms of magnificent and sometimes daunting changes, each of you has enriched this time in my life in ways I could not have imagined without you.

ASOULFULLWORLD.COM’s global community, now spanning over 50 countries, stands as a powerful testament to the strength found in unity and diversity. Your engagement from every corner of the globe has been a wellspring of strength and inspiration. You’ve woven a tapestry of empathy and understanding, a reminder that despite rapid changes, our shared human spirit remains resilient and strong. Thank you!

This year, as we sought to understand our community’s needs, we published new articles, books, courses, and meditations. We launched a weekly community gathering, expanded to serve spiritual entrepreneurs, and rebranded our entire website. Such endeavors require immense energy and effort, and I could not have done it without my team. Sierra, Monica, Mark, and Ryan – from listening to my dreams, offering suggestions, editing my writing, sharing new tools, to creating a brand that reflects my deepest values, your support has elevated my vision beyond what I could have imagined alone. The beauty and dedication you bring to my life is immeasurable. I cherish and celebrate each of you for your unique and invaluable contributions.

A heartfelt thank you also goes to everyone at Brave Healer Productions. BHP is more than a publisher of my books; it's a vibrant community of authors, collaborators, and agents of change. Together, we're actualizing dreams and catalyzing positive change in a world longing for healing and hope. My approach to life and work has been profoundly enriched by the incredible individuals I've met through this collaborative community. Special thanks to Laura for helping me birth my book this year – a long-held dream finally realized!

Locally, my gratitude extends to everyone at Citizen-Powered Media. This year has been more challenging than any of us anticipated. You are all remarkable individuals, and I am honored to have worked alongside you. My wish for each of you is that your tremendous efforts in 2023 are met with equal and unexpected rewards in 2024.

Friends, in these times of change, the necessity for connection and collaboration is paramount. Our souls, interlinked by compassion and understanding, forge a network of light capable of illuminating the darkest times.

As a small token of my gratitude and to offer a moment of peace amid the hustle and bustle, please accept this gift of a winter meditation. May it serve as a sanctuary, a place for tranquility and rejuvenation. 

Thank you for walking this path with me. May the coming year draw us closer, not only in our goals but in our spirits as well.

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